Solutions: Volunteer Trust
Better background checks lead to safer communities.
Cleara delivers comprehensive background screening solutions, enabling you to help your customers better screen volunteers – keeping our communities safe.
Explore how Cleara is creating solutions that go above and beyond to protect our communities.
Let's build trustVolunteer background screening products.
Customer Example
child safety.
A large youth soccer league is concerned about the risk to its young athletes if a volunteer or coach has been accused or convicted of a crime but are reported as “clean” in a traditional background screen. This responsible sports organization wants to go deeper to protect children.
Cleara at WorkCleara’s solution.
Cleara is applying AI-based Cognitive Screening which expertly searches over 250 million news articles, social media and other unstructured records to identify information and additional data points to enhance child safety.
Integrating with Cleara is simple and flexible.
Cleara’s platform easily integrates with your API.
Cleara’s integrates with all of the major third-party platforms.
Cleara’s modern portal, customized to you.
Start a no-obligation
free trial today.
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Contact us to learn how we can be a key part of your success.